Saturday, August 31, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Report August 31st, 3013

The fishing on the Kennebec continues to impress!! Huge schools of juvie herring are stacking up in the channel and the Stripers are hot on their heels...The next 6 weeks look very promising as the Fall migration approaches. The beaches have been giving us some great action on bigger fish up in the surf lines and in the river...jigs bounced through the rips and over the ledges has been DEADLY!! The next 6 weeks are going to be a wild ride...get in touch with me ASAP to reserve one of the prime tides that I have left!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Charters August 23rd, 2013

Another amazing day on the Kennebec yesterday....A 7am departure and we were hooked up with our first fish within minutes of the dock...We caught big fish all morning long many of them came in ultra shallow crystal clear water...Water so shallow that my charter guest were in after fish came over the rail...multiple double & triple hookups with rods bent to the grip and line screaming off in every direction..The best fishing of the year is upon us...get in touch with us asap to reserve prime sept/oct fall run dates...THE TIME TO FISH IS NOW!!! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Report August 21st, 2013

Back to back charters today not going to publish a full report...the pictures will do the talking 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Report August 20th, 2013

This past week i was extremely fortunate to have one of the legends of the outdoor world aboard for a couple of days of Striped Bass fishing...Joining me was Captain Tred Barta...When Tred contacted me and explained that he had this 75 year old orvis battenkill bamboo 5wt fly rod that he wanted to catch a Striper on, I jumped at the chance...mind you that this is Tred Barta we're talking about...legendary fisherman, top rated tv personality, world record holder etc etc etc. The short story is that we fished hard for two days, we caught some nice Stripers and Tred got his Striped Bass on his prized flyrod...the rest of the Story will be published in Sport Fishing Magazine which Tred has written the back Story for over 35 years...
now on to The  reportsStriper fishing has remained solid in the Midcoast region although the bite has shifted into deeper water which is typical of daytime fishing in August...we have also been taking some beautiful fish out of the shallow water surf lines...big shouldered fish!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Reports August 8th, 2013

WOW!!!The Fuse has been lit folks and the Kennebec is on fire right long it will continue is anyone's guess but with the water temps where they are and the amount of bait that we have, i'd say that it's a safe bet that we'll have great fishing right through the middle of October...Big fish, slot fish, and small schoolies are roaming all through the lower Kennebec. We have been having great success lately using a variety of tackle, artificial lures, flies and of course live & chunk mackerel have been deadly. Early mornings have been best for fly fishing so if that is the game that you want to play, be prepared to leave the dock early for the best success...Once the sun gets high, bouncing jigs or drifting bait through the rips has been deadly...even in bright sun. I've also had some success fishing chunk baits in shallow water for some big Stripers, even in the middle of the afternoon!!!
I cant say one way or the other which tide is working better as both tides have some great opportunities for flats and deeper water structure...I am having one of my busiest seasons in recent years and all this time on the water translates into big dividends for my charter guests...One thing that is noticeably absent so far this season are bluefish...Yes I have had some bluefish aboard but it has been really random...We haven't seen those huge schools of slashing bluefish. The lack of bluefish might be why the Striper fishing has been so good lately...when the blues show up the bait disappears...IN A HURRY!!! It would not hurt my feelings if the blues stayed away but that is just wishful thinking...Any day now they'll be here!!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Maine Striper Fishing Report August 4th, 2013

(Some video clips of our "Total Tidal Experience" yesterday 8/3/2013)
The great fishing in the Kennebec region continues into August!! We have been fishing two tides daily and have not really found one to be out performing the other. Most of my focus lately has been in the River from Bath to the oceanfront...the rips and flats have been alive with fish during the peak flow periods...some days we really hammer the fish in certain tide rips...other days its a fish or two out of each rip before moving on to the next spot...either way makes for a great trip...some of the shallow flats have been producing quality stripers too...catching mid 30 inch stripers in skinny water is a blast on light tackle...Still no reliable bluefish action although we do have a few's still quite random!! Mackerel have been holding up well although some days it does require a bit searching before we find the mother load...a bag of chum hanging over the rail usually expedites the process of gathering macks. Over the course of the next ten days I do have some great afternoon tides open for live baiting trips after that I have some morning trips available too!!