Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Maine Striper Fishing Report August 2014

Lots of great fishing taking place in the midcoast region and despite the heavy rains we had last week we are still on the fish... In the Kennebec and out off the beaches... Yesterday afternoon Alex Mckown celebrated her birthday with her family aboard the Super Fly and she was rewarded for her efforts with a jumbo striper ... Her first ever !!!
This morning we had a blast sight casting to huge schools of striper out off the beaches...bright sun helped us locate the dark backs of the stripers as the cruised and fed voraciously in schools numbering in the hundreds!! 
In the Kennebec the best techniques have been Carolina rigging with live or chunk baits over channel structure, skipping Bucktails and rubber baits off the shoreline rocks and around eddies has been productive as have flies fished off a sinking head line worked though the eddies and shoreline rips. Out off the beaches searching for birds diving into the Surfline has been a good way to locate stripers feeding on sandeels. Chunk Mack's tossed into the foam is a top tactic but be ready with a selection of small bucktail jigs, sluggo and sandeel imitating flies when the blitz is on!!!
Lots of good fishing left between now & mid October 

Get in touch soon if you'd like to reserve a tide or two