Maine Striper fishing with TIDE ChaserGUIDE SERVICE and Capt. George Harris, midcoast Maine's premier Fly & light tackle saltwater guide service. Serving the waters of Midcoast Maine from Casco Bay to Penobscot Bay Fishing for Striped Bass, Bluefish, Bluefin Tuna, & More. For more info on Maine saltwater fly & light tackle fishing
For Reservations Call The Maine Saltwater Fishing Hotline 207-691-0745

Maine Saltwater Fishing Reports Blog
Welcome to the Fish Blog & saltwater fishing reports page of TIDE CHASER GUIDE SERVICE & Capt. George Harris. We're looking forward to providing you with the most up to date inshore saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast as the Maine Striper Fishing season goes forward into 2019!!! You wont find any generic"cut & paste" reports or info here...Just pure fishing!!!
TIDE CHASER provides friendly, professional guided fly & light tackle fishing trips.
We operate our fishing TRIPS in the Mid-Coast region of Maine, from Casco Bay to Penobscot Bay. This area features an astonishing 1000 miles of jagged, pristine coastline. We focus our efforts on the broad reach of the lower Kennebec river estuary & the outer boundaries of Casco Bay...with its countless thousands of acres of untouched saltwater flats, gnarly tides that rip over rocky structure and an intricate maze of backcountry channels, It's a fly & light tackle fishermans nirvana. On any given day we can be found fishing sandy beaches, ocean front ledges, coastal tide marshes or shallow hard bottom flats. Wherever the fish are!!! Whether it's on the fly...pitching plugs or live lining frisky live baits we've got you covered check out our website for all of our trip offerings...and stay tuned for some new trips options for 2019
Welcome to Maine's #1 Striper Fishing Blog with Capt. George Harris Call 207-691-0745
- Capt. George Harris
- Tide Chaser Guide Service Midcoast Maine's premier fly & light tackle guide service, fishing for Striped Bass, Mackerel & Bluefish , i~ USCG 100 Ton Master ~ Registered Maine Tidewater Guide ~ For reservations call 207-691-0745 ~
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Super Fly Charters: Kennebec River Report June 29th, 2011...SlayFest!!!
Maine Saltwater Fishing Hotline...For LIVE Maine Striper fishing reports or for charter reservations for the Kennebec River: Call or text message 207-691-0745 We've Cracked The Code & Have The Fish Dialed In So Dial Us Up!!!
Maine Striper Fishing Report June 29th 2011. This morning I had avid Maine outdoorsman Jeremiah Jewell aboard for some amazing light tackle fishing...This guy is a natural whiz kid at fishing, archery, name the outdoor activity & Jeremiah has an unhealthy addiction for it...We got an early start down the Kennebec and were greeted by damp, foggy conditions...In all kind of fishing weather...As the tide started to flood I explained to Jeremiah what we were going to try to accomplish...It didn't take long...Fat sea bright Stripers began coming to the boat seemingly on command...Hanging deep in the current and blitzing all around the boat on the surface...I told Jeremiah to basically ignore the busting bass and focus on the ones that were hanging just beneath the surface...The sounder was lit up like Times Square...big red glowing blobs all over the fish finder screen indicated the carnage taking place below us...We moved from spot to spot on the river chasing the incoming tide and left the fish biting at each spot, which violates the most common rule of fishing...never leave fish to find fish...but it was one of those fishy mornings and we could do little wrong!!! By the end of the tide Jeremiah was working the currents like he owned them...and for a four hr window today, he did!!!Good numbers of Stripers are pouring into the Kennebec watershed in numbers not seen in the last several years...Huge schools of bait are around and that should keep the Stripers happy through September & into October. During the past week I have had several bite offs of rubber shad tails which tells me that small bluefish are making there way into the river...hopefull we see a big charge of them show up this summer...we had some amazing bluefish blitzes last summer, tons of fun!!!Friday July 1st marks the official start to the season on the Kennebec...the bait restrictions are lifted and the Catch & Release season ends...that said...we still need to be extremely diligent in protecting these fish...especially when we are catching them in big numbers...I'm not one to begrudge someone a fish for dinner for the family and I myself enjoy a fresh wild caught fish anytime that I get the chance...who doesn't love freshly prepared ceviche & cold beers after a long day on the water?...But if you have no plans to eat your catch fresh...please consider releasing your fish to fight again so we can all look forward to some good times ahead!!! Some very good saltwater fishing reports continue to come from anglers around the Mid coast, Casco Bay & southern Maine....anglers in those regions are seeing results similar to what I've been finding on the Kennebec...and those results are excellent!!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Kennebec River Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Report June 26th, 2011
For Maine Striper Fishing Reports Live From The Kennebec River: Text Message 207-691-0745
THE BITE IS HEATING UP...LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!!!(Scott & Kent with a double header of 27" & 31" Striped Bass plucked from a jaw dropping surface blitz 6/26/2011)
After a few days of slugging it out with crappy weather...We're finally starting to catch a break...This morning I had Scott & Kent aboard...they were treated to some amazing & sustained surface feeds as well as Stripers that were stacked on the ledges feeding in the heavy current. All hell broke loose several times this morning when huge schools of stripers ripped through massive baitballs...Pretty spectacular blitzes that just have not happened in the last few years. Scott and Kent were able to wail away on the Striped Bass using a variety of tackle and techniques...The best part was that we had this mostly to ourselves...On another part of the river one of my homeboys Ray Paradis aka "The Fishin Magician" and his friend Herb were also wailing on fish....which is great news...they had success working the deeper channel ledges with a mix of soft plastics while we were hammering fish in shallower shoreline rips and blitz activity over deep featureless open water....
It's looking like we are going to have some amazing fishing this coming week so don't delay in booking your date!!! I have limited availability...Maine Saltwater Fishing Hotline 207-691-0745
THE BITE IS HEATING UP...LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!!!(Scott & Kent with a double header of 27" & 31" Striped Bass plucked from a jaw dropping surface blitz 6/26/2011)
After a few days of slugging it out with crappy weather...We're finally starting to catch a break...This morning I had Scott & Kent aboard...they were treated to some amazing & sustained surface feeds as well as Stripers that were stacked on the ledges feeding in the heavy current. All hell broke loose several times this morning when huge schools of stripers ripped through massive baitballs...Pretty spectacular blitzes that just have not happened in the last few years. Scott and Kent were able to wail away on the Striped Bass using a variety of tackle and techniques...The best part was that we had this mostly to ourselves...On another part of the river one of my homeboys Ray Paradis aka "The Fishin Magician" and his friend Herb were also wailing on fish....which is great news...they had success working the deeper channel ledges with a mix of soft plastics while we were hammering fish in shallower shoreline rips and blitz activity over deep featureless open water....
It's looking like we are going to have some amazing fishing this coming week so don't delay in booking your date!!! I have limited availability...Maine Saltwater Fishing Hotline 207-691-0745
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Kennebec Report June 25th, 2011
The last several days we have fished in some less than ideal weather elements...We continue to find fish willing to feed despite these sloppy weather conditions...when we get a break in the weather we should have some pretty amazing fishing to look forward to...Right now we are the only guide service on the Kennebec that is on the water every day, rain or shine, and we have the fish dialed in!!!...even during the few and far between days that we are not booked...we are out working to scout fish for our guests and it's paying off. This is the type of dedication that you will not find with a part time guide service...we value your time with us and literally go the extra mile for you!!!
(6/25/11 Jim Denman with a nice 28" Striped Bass caught in todays wild weather!!!)
(6/25/11 Jim Denman with a nice 28" Striped Bass caught in todays wild weather!!!)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Super Fly Charters: Kennebec River June23rd, 2011
Kennebec River Striped Bass Fishing With Super Fly Charters
This morning saw the weather shift from the mildly warm with bright blues skies kinda days, you know...Classic Chamber of Commerce type dark skies and wet rainy weather with an easterly wind component....whoever coined the phrase "wind from the east fishing the least" forgot to send that memo to the Stripers!!! Despite this negative shift in weather, John Fielding from Virginia decided that he wanted to go Striper fishing...We met at the dock in Bath at 5:30am this morning, We donned our foul weather gear and shoved off for an early morning run down the Kennebec river...I had planned to fish some flats that have been somewhat productive, not oh my god good, but steady fishing...The last of the incoming and first of the outgoing tides proved to be pretty bleak...bait was popping up here and there and there were sporadic bird shows...but no follows...and simply no luck!!! I think that at that point...John might have been thinking about calling it quits...I had another plan though...the outgoing tide was starting to build steam so I blasted a few miles upriver, chasing the tide...My first stop of the second half of the trip was just what the doctor had ordered for a wet, cold morning...A tight line and a 30" striper...Amazing how one fish can completely re-energize you!!!...second drift....another fish....then another fish...a mini blitz erupted and John got tight to another fish after he cast into the melee...after that...the fish became wise to our off we went, once again chasing the stop...same result fish on the first drift...a double header in fact...Just like that our trip turned from skunkfest to slayfest...Tenacity and perseverance as well as our knowledge of the tides and how they flow over structure paid off once again...."A Graceful Recovery" Enabled Us To End The Trip With A BANG!!! Looking forward to getting John & his son Jack out on the water again in a couple of weeksGive us a call on the Maine Striper Hotline to make arrangements for a guided saltwater fishing trip on Maine's famed Kennebec river 207-691-0745
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
This morning saw the weather shift from the mildly warm with bright blues skies kinda days, you know...Classic Chamber of Commerce type dark skies and wet rainy weather with an easterly wind component....whoever coined the phrase "wind from the east fishing the least" forgot to send that memo to the Stripers!!! Despite this negative shift in weather, John Fielding from Virginia decided that he wanted to go Striper fishing...We met at the dock in Bath at 5:30am this morning, We donned our foul weather gear and shoved off for an early morning run down the Kennebec river...I had planned to fish some flats that have been somewhat productive, not oh my god good, but steady fishing...The last of the incoming and first of the outgoing tides proved to be pretty bleak...bait was popping up here and there and there were sporadic bird shows...but no follows...and simply no luck!!! I think that at that point...John might have been thinking about calling it quits...I had another plan though...the outgoing tide was starting to build steam so I blasted a few miles upriver, chasing the tide...My first stop of the second half of the trip was just what the doctor had ordered for a wet, cold morning...A tight line and a 30" striper...Amazing how one fish can completely re-energize you!!!...second drift....another fish....then another fish...a mini blitz erupted and John got tight to another fish after he cast into the melee...after that...the fish became wise to our off we went, once again chasing the stop...same result fish on the first drift...a double header in fact...Just like that our trip turned from skunkfest to slayfest...Tenacity and perseverance as well as our knowledge of the tides and how they flow over structure paid off once again...."A Graceful Recovery" Enabled Us To End The Trip With A BANG!!! Looking forward to getting John & his son Jack out on the water again in a couple of weeksGive us a call on the Maine Striper Hotline to make arrangements for a guided saltwater fishing trip on Maine's famed Kennebec river 207-691-0745
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Kennebec River Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Saltwater Report June 22nd, 2011
Maine Striper fishing report June 22nd, 2011
Today I had repeat client Herb Stackhouse and his guest Greg was noticably slower today than yesterdays bailfests....We were over fish all morning long....but they were very finicky as we worked the rips for awhile before cruising to a grassflat to catch the bottom of the outgoing...arriving on the scene we were greeted by a school of stripers pounding bait in 2 feet of water...It was very exciting & getting a hook up should have been easy but the opposite proved true...follows and missed strikes kept us interested for a while...we were throwing surface plugs and soft plastics but the bass were finicky as they munched on Juvie herring..come July 1st I intend to settle a score with those fish by freeling sardines to them...a meal that wont be refused...we worked that area pretty well before shifting our attention back to the rips to slam a few slot sized fish!!! Back at it tomorrow!!!
Super Fly Charters is one of the very few full time saltwater fly & light tackle guide services operating on the Maine coast that is on the water everyday...and we have the fish dialed in!!!..That's a pretty important thing to consider when choosing a guide to fish with for the first time!!!
Give us a call on the Maine Striper Hotline to make arrangements for a guided saltwater fishing trip on Maine's famed Kennebec river 207-691-0745
Today I had repeat client Herb Stackhouse and his guest Greg was noticably slower today than yesterdays bailfests....We were over fish all morning long....but they were very finicky as we worked the rips for awhile before cruising to a grassflat to catch the bottom of the outgoing...arriving on the scene we were greeted by a school of stripers pounding bait in 2 feet of water...It was very exciting & getting a hook up should have been easy but the opposite proved true...follows and missed strikes kept us interested for a while...we were throwing surface plugs and soft plastics but the bass were finicky as they munched on Juvie herring..come July 1st I intend to settle a score with those fish by freeling sardines to them...a meal that wont be refused...we worked that area pretty well before shifting our attention back to the rips to slam a few slot sized fish!!! Back at it tomorrow!!!
Super Fly Charters is one of the very few full time saltwater fly & light tackle guide services operating on the Maine coast that is on the water everyday...and we have the fish dialed in!!!..That's a pretty important thing to consider when choosing a guide to fish with for the first time!!!
Give us a call on the Maine Striper Hotline to make arrangements for a guided saltwater fishing trip on Maine's famed Kennebec river 207-691-0745
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Kennebec Report June 21st, 2011
Maine Schoolie Striped Bass Were Going Bonkers This Morning 6/21/11This morning I had Chris Ferguson and some of his relatives aboard for some fun family reunion Striper fishing on Maine's Kennebec river...leaving the dock at 6:30am to catch the best of an outgoing tide...we quickly landed on a school of feeding stripers...mainly schoolie size slot fish 22-26 inches...drift after drift through the shoreline current seams resulted in bent rods and happy anglers...this continued for the better part of an hr before we blasted downriver to hammer on a few fish that were cruising the sand flats in 2' of water...While some anglers are continuing to struggle and are teetering on the edge of insanity...we make simple adjustments to score fish when most fishermen find it nearly impossible to get the hook ups...simple, methodical tactics that just plain work!!!All in All, Just another great day on the Kennebec!! July is approaching rapidly and that is going to open the door to some amazing days on the water...the special season ends July 1st and we'll be filling the livewells with Herring and Mackeral for some tremendous action live lining and carolina rigging the deeper rips & ledges. Early morning and later in the evenings will give the best results for fly rod action...and we might get some good sight casting opportunities up on the sand flats...stay tuned as the reports will continue to get better as the season moves forward!!!
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Kennebec Report June 19th, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing Reports Hotline 207-691-0745 A cold front moving through left the fishing predictably slower today but we still managed to find the fish!!!...Shawn Moore from Maryland met me at the dock at 4:30 this morning...bait was showing everywhere but the fish were lockjawed for most of the morning...near the bottom of the tide I switched gears from working the edges of the flats to working a deep rip...the adjustment paid off and Shawn was a happy camper as he boated his first Maine Striper. I won't say it was easy fishing today but we got it done!!!
My calendar is filling up if you are looking to do some fishing with me this season...stop hitting the snooze button and pick up the phone!!! I have tomorrow morning open but the rest of the week is looking to be busy...some good evening tides are available and the sundown fishing this week should be very productive.
My calendar is filling up if you are looking to do some fishing with me this season...stop hitting the snooze button and pick up the phone!!! I have tomorrow morning open but the rest of the week is looking to be busy...some good evening tides are available and the sundown fishing this week should be very productive.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing: Kennebec River Report June 17th, 2011
Another Day...Another Group Of Anglers Feeding Barbed Steel To Maine Stripers
Some Awesome Morning & Evening Tides Coming Up For The Next Week Or So!!! It's Going To Be Fun!!! Please Stay Tuned to this blog for the most up to date and accurate saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast!!!
Some Awesome Morning & Evening Tides Coming Up For The Next Week Or So!!! It's Going To Be Fun!!! Please Stay Tuned to this blog for the most up to date and accurate saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Kennebec Report June 16, 2011
Striper Fishing On the Kennebec Flats Producing Good Numbers Right Now!!!
This morning I had the Thayer family aboard...Lee, Eric & Matt from St. Louis...after some arm twisting I convinced them to meet me at the dock in Bath at 4:30 am...after pushing off from the dock, we made a beeline for some grass flats that had a good ripping outbound tide washing over it...arriving on the scene, I was all smiles as I watched a school of herring being ripped to shreds...I had two of my anglers pitching topwater plugs...the third a small soft plastic jig...
It took all of one cast before the stripers started exploding on the topwater plugs in shallow water...slaps, smashes and boils would erupt around the plugs on nearly every cast...this would continue for more than an hour before another group of anglers came ripping in on a flats boat and unfortunately all but shut down that bite...I know that I don't have some secret stealth technology surrounding my boat but One would think that if i can be stealthy enough in my 21 parker to sneak along in shallow water...that someone equipped with a lightweight poling skiff designed for shallow water flats fishing would be able to do so with ease or at least have enough sense not to run their engine in 2 feet of water??? The bad behavior has begun already and we're only halfway through big deal though my anglers were quite content with our we went to the next flat only to be greeted by the same type action...this pattern would be repeated till the tide went the tide just started to turn I decided to try one last spot...the edge of an expansive flat bordered by a steep drop off...right away fish started popping to the surface...a couple of triple hook ups later and my anglers decided that this would be a great way to end the I reluctantly returned them to the dock...
Mixed saltwater fishing reports are coming in from Portland & Greater Casco Bay, Saco Bay and the rest of the Maine coast...With stable summer weather on the's safe to say that it's going to be a productive season
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
This morning I had the Thayer family aboard...Lee, Eric & Matt from St. Louis...after some arm twisting I convinced them to meet me at the dock in Bath at 4:30 am...after pushing off from the dock, we made a beeline for some grass flats that had a good ripping outbound tide washing over it...arriving on the scene, I was all smiles as I watched a school of herring being ripped to shreds...I had two of my anglers pitching topwater plugs...the third a small soft plastic jig...
It took all of one cast before the stripers started exploding on the topwater plugs in shallow water...slaps, smashes and boils would erupt around the plugs on nearly every cast...this would continue for more than an hour before another group of anglers came ripping in on a flats boat and unfortunately all but shut down that bite...I know that I don't have some secret stealth technology surrounding my boat but One would think that if i can be stealthy enough in my 21 parker to sneak along in shallow water...that someone equipped with a lightweight poling skiff designed for shallow water flats fishing would be able to do so with ease or at least have enough sense not to run their engine in 2 feet of water??? The bad behavior has begun already and we're only halfway through big deal though my anglers were quite content with our we went to the next flat only to be greeted by the same type action...this pattern would be repeated till the tide went the tide just started to turn I decided to try one last spot...the edge of an expansive flat bordered by a steep drop off...right away fish started popping to the surface...a couple of triple hook ups later and my anglers decided that this would be a great way to end the I reluctantly returned them to the dock...
Mixed saltwater fishing reports are coming in from Portland & Greater Casco Bay, Saco Bay and the rest of the Maine coast...With stable summer weather on the's safe to say that it's going to be a productive season
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Maine Saltwater Fishing With Capt. George Harris & Super Fly Charters: Kennebec River Striper Report 6/15/11
Some Awesome Morning & Evening Tides Coming Up For The Next Week Or So!!! It's Going To Be Fun!!! Please Stay Tuned to this blog for the most up to date and accurate saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast!!!
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Maine's Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing Reports With Capt George Harris & Super Fly Charters
Maine Striper Fishing Guided Trip Reports
Well our season has begun and we are out having fun on the water nearly everyday now doing a mix of Striped Bass and offshore bottom fishing. Wacky weather has hampered some of the fishing but we are still finding stripers every time out. We're still in what I would call an early season pattern which is really no pattern at all...some warm stable weather will bring the Stripers into a more predictable feeding pattern. So far we have found fish spread out over an amazing amount of habitat types...from 2 foot deep sand flats to both deep & shallow current washed structure..Pretty cool stuff so far...also I've seen more small stripers this season than in the two past season combined...i'm talking about little 16-18 inch fish....of course we have some bigger fish around too, but it's promising to see multiple year classes of fish working the same areas. Almost two weeks into June and we still haven't had that amazing blitz type action typically associated with late June fishing...We are getting close though..the best fishing will probably start at the end of this week and last straight through into October.
Flies and soft plastics have been working well and in roughly two weeks we will be having slayfest after slayfest when the special season Kennebec rules are lifted on July first...It's nice to have the livewells blacked out with frisky baits, even when fly fishing...turning on stubborn stripers with a handful of live chummers will get your heart racing as fast as the backing leaving your fly reel.
FYI: I have several sets of high quality "Grundens" rain gear for use by my guests...having the right gear will keep you warm and bone dry so you dont have to miss that morning on the water!!!
Still have open dates all through the season but those who fish with me often, know that the dates disappear quickly...make your reservations as soon as you know which dates you want to fish to ensure that you get your time on the water 207-691-0745
Maine' Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Well our season has begun and we are out having fun on the water nearly everyday now doing a mix of Striped Bass and offshore bottom fishing. Wacky weather has hampered some of the fishing but we are still finding stripers every time out. We're still in what I would call an early season pattern which is really no pattern at all...some warm stable weather will bring the Stripers into a more predictable feeding pattern. So far we have found fish spread out over an amazing amount of habitat types...from 2 foot deep sand flats to both deep & shallow current washed structure..Pretty cool stuff so far...also I've seen more small stripers this season than in the two past season combined...i'm talking about little 16-18 inch fish....of course we have some bigger fish around too, but it's promising to see multiple year classes of fish working the same areas. Almost two weeks into June and we still haven't had that amazing blitz type action typically associated with late June fishing...We are getting close though..the best fishing will probably start at the end of this week and last straight through into October.
Flies and soft plastics have been working well and in roughly two weeks we will be having slayfest after slayfest when the special season Kennebec rules are lifted on July first...It's nice to have the livewells blacked out with frisky baits, even when fly fishing...turning on stubborn stripers with a handful of live chummers will get your heart racing as fast as the backing leaving your fly reel.
FYI: I have several sets of high quality "Grundens" rain gear for use by my guests...having the right gear will keep you warm and bone dry so you dont have to miss that morning on the water!!!
Still have open dates all through the season but those who fish with me often, know that the dates disappear quickly...make your reservations as soon as you know which dates you want to fish to ensure that you get your time on the water 207-691-0745
Maine' Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Maine Striper Fishing Kennebec River With Super Fly Charters: June 9th, 2011
Fishing For Striped Bass on Maine's Kennebec River Improving Daily!!!
One week into June and we are seeing good numbers of Stripers cruising the flats of the Kennebec we had upper slot sized fish working the shallows in as little as 2 feet deep...the end of the out going has been decent...Still haven't had that OMG they're chewing holes in the boat kind of day...but I'm liking what I'm seeing!!!
Offshore/Nearshore we are catching good numbers of Cod...mostly smaller stuff but loads of action..Mackerel have invaded the mid coast region so break out the ultra light gear and go have a blast fishing for these little speedsters. As we move into the later part of June we will see an influx of stripers pour into the Kennebec..By the first of July we should be enjoying some serious slayfests!!!
Reports from Casco Bay, Saco Bay and southern Maine indicate sporadic action which is very typical of early season fishing...By fathers day weekend the coast of Maine from the Kennebec south should be offering predictable inshore saltwater fishing conditions.
Reservations continue to come in daily and it's looking to be another extremely busy fishing season for us here at Super Fly Charters...Please give us a call to insure you get the dates that you are looking for. 207-691-0745
Maine' Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
One week into June and we are seeing good numbers of Stripers cruising the flats of the Kennebec we had upper slot sized fish working the shallows in as little as 2 feet deep...the end of the out going has been decent...Still haven't had that OMG they're chewing holes in the boat kind of day...but I'm liking what I'm seeing!!!
Offshore/Nearshore we are catching good numbers of Cod...mostly smaller stuff but loads of action..Mackerel have invaded the mid coast region so break out the ultra light gear and go have a blast fishing for these little speedsters. As we move into the later part of June we will see an influx of stripers pour into the Kennebec..By the first of July we should be enjoying some serious slayfests!!!
Reports from Casco Bay, Saco Bay and southern Maine indicate sporadic action which is very typical of early season fishing...By fathers day weekend the coast of Maine from the Kennebec south should be offering predictable inshore saltwater fishing conditions.
Reservations continue to come in daily and it's looking to be another extremely busy fishing season for us here at Super Fly Charters...Please give us a call to insure you get the dates that you are looking for. 207-691-0745
Maine' Premier Saltwater Fishing Guide Service
Super Fly Charters
Capt. George Harris
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