The Striper fishing is done for the least up here on the coast of Maine. The Tuna have gone & so have the Bluefish....Codfishing remains an option. Inshore thick schools of Mackeral & harbor Pollock remain abundant so if you're in the mood for one last light tackle fix, head on down to a local wharf and have some fun. Macks are a blast on a 5 weight fly rod.
Some of the tidal rivers have little known runs of "sea run" Brown Trout. This fishery should start to pick up in the coming months....also the St. George river has an excellent Brown Trout fishery and remains open to anglers year round.
My guiding season has come to an end & I'd like thank all the anglers who fished with me this season. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you again next year.
2008 CCA Maine Annual Meeting
The Coastal Conservation of Maine will be holding its annual meeting on Monday, November 24th, 2008 from 5:00-8:00 at the Haraseeket Inn in Freeport.
Hors d'oeuvres will be served from 5:00-7:00 and there will be a cash bar.
The meeting will start at 7:00 where guest speaker, Patrick Keliher, Director, Bureau of Sea Run Fisheries & Habitat will discuss Saltwater Licenses, Pogie Netting, and Striped Bass
There will be raffles with great prizes.
Please RVSP to or call Carol at 207-458-8421
Come out and support CCA of Maine on November 24th!
Reservations have already started coming in for the 2009 season!!!
Capt. George Harris
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