Fall Run Striper Madness Begins
The past week of fishing on Maine's Kennebec river has ranged from very good to downright phenomenal...today was one of those days that I would classify as being phenomenal.
Big stripers are now finally starting to become active as the water temps slowly cool back down into the Stripers comfort range...Huge clouds of sandeels can be found out on the oceanfront sandflats and spike mackerel are swarming the coastline in untold numbers....ad to this mix juvenile alewives and peanut bunker and you come up with a recipe that sets the table for the fall run of stripers to begin...So far we have not seen the true beginning of the southerly push of migrating stripers but what we have found is that the Striped bass have begun to gorge in preparation of their long Journey south...Water temps are still very warm which means that we'll probably see great fishing well into Otober!!!
We still have lots of great fishing left between now and mid October so please contact us to reserve a tide or two..
Maine Striper Fishing Guide Capt. George Harris