Maine Striper Fishing Guided Trips

WOW...SNOW...SNOW...SNOW...And lot's of it...Knee deep, light, powdery stuff...the kind of rare snow that's perfect for outdoor activities like skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling...take advantage of it!!!Yup...We survived the latest monster blizzard that terrorized us up here on the coast of Maine and we're now firmly locked in winters icy's grip...but that doesn't mean that we're not busy getting ready for the 2011 season. We have a ton of work to do!!!We have lots of equipment to do annual maintenance on...we need to restock on line, leaders, lures and other misc. tackle...Our fly boxes need to be re stocked with killer patterns....and we need to assemble a list of projects to get the boat ready to splash...
Another part of the off season is making sure that you all get your trips booked with Super Fly far, thats been pretty easy!!! I have had a few questions lately from folks that want to know what the most productive methods are for our Striper trips...that's a great question...with many different answers...Without a doubt, the most productive technique day after day is live lining frisky's a fact that no one can argue...however we also pursue Striped bass with an array of fly & light tackle artificial baits which can also be very productive...Some days, skipping jigs and swimbaits off the bottom in 20-40 feet of cannot be beat, while other days working current washed rocky shoreline structure with flies or soft plastics gets the nod...some days we're crushing fish on the shallow water sand, mud or eelgrass flats...a variety of factors come into play and it all centers on what baits the fish are keyed on...sometimes the fish are gorging on tiny sandeels, silversides or grass shrimp...other times it's a worm hatch when they wont even look at anything but a sand or bloodworm...maybe a herring or squid run that has the fish jacked up..We still have good a good run of Striped Bass but on occasion we are faced with a slow's on those tough days that it's up to your guide to crack the code...On every trip we always have ALL the equipment aboard including a bait tank full of tasty livies...what does this mean for the angler...NO EXCUSES!!! In the unusual event that we're not catching just means that the fish are simply not eating during that stage of the tide...they call it "fishing" for a reason...that's where having the right tools aboard comes into play...we can often save the day by coaxing a dead bite into a full blown blitz just by employing a few simple techniques....When an angler books a trip with Super Fly Charters...I really value the short time they are with us...our goal is to provide the best chance for success in that short 4, 6 or 8 hour window.

When I get a call or email asking if we can sight fish for Stripers or catch a Tuna on a topwater answer is always..."sure that is possible"...The Tuna bite can be epic but not always dependable and Granted, for sight casting on the flats the conditions can typically be good to very good...but it's also a very good possibility that the conditions won't be remotely good enough for sight fishing...I know that most of us saltwater inshore anglers all love to sight fish for Stripers with fly or light's a blast for sure, but let's face it...we don't always have the conditions to allow for it here in Maine...wind, turbid water, cloudy conditions, fog for weeks on end can all hamper the sight fishing game...These are the times when the guide needs to switch gears and they need to do it quickly or you the angler suffers...This past summer an elitist comment from a competing guide has stuck in my head and sort of reinforces the way that we approach guiding, After telling a group of guides and anglers after a fly fishing only tournament (that "Team Super Fly" just happened to place 1st in!!!) how successful we've been using live baits over deep guide in the group proclaimed, rather arrogantly, that he'd rather watch paint dry than fish livies on light tackle...hmm...a very interesting philosophy I thought to myself...but hey, I know that everyone is entitled to their own each their own...To's not about fishing with the methods that I prefer...rather putting my anglers on fish...and it could be any species of fish...which I guess, to most anglers is the whole point at the end of the day...I kinda felt sorry for captain crab fly's anglers as I thought to myself...while those guys are watching paint dry and struggling to get a well fed fish to eat a clump of feathers and listening to the guides endless excuses as to why the bite is turned off (wrong sun angle, too much sea weed, water too dirty, water too clear, water too cold, water too warm, too much bait, full moon, new moon, small tides....etc...etc hahaha)...we're hammering away on fish using alternate methods...even during the brightest dog days of summer...We're on the water everyday and have the experience to advise you as to what methods or species that we should pursue...It's one thing if fly fishing is the only method you use and you realize that it presents a different set of challenges...but the average fly angler isn't married to the long rod and will mix it up when necessary...either way it's all about having a fun day on the water....just with an added challenge...hahaha!!!
This winter...We're also planning to make appearances at various sporting shows on the east coast...this season I'm even traveling out of the country to the Canadian city of Montreal to attend a sporting show....Since many of my gusts are from just makes good sense!!!
Reservations have been coming in at a good pace and fortunately for us, that means that we're going to have another super busy season.
What's Hot Right Now: Reports indicate that the Smelts have been biting well...if you'd like to give this fun winter activity a try please get in touch with me...I do a handful of guided trips on the hardwater during the winter months...We have the equipment and the know how to make this a fun experience for you!!! Please inquire for pricing
Also don't forget to stay connected with us to get the most up to date saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast by joining us on our Super Fly Charters Facebook page....during the season we'll be posting our big catches as they happen...It's easy and free to join...just click the link on our sidebar!!!
Maine Striper Fishing Guide
Capt. George Harris
Super Fly Charters Facebook Page
The Captain is right! I was at that fly fishing only tournament as well and couldn't believe the "watching the paint dry" comment made by a "purist". There's nobody that fishes the midcoast Maine waters, particularly the Kennebec, that produces more fish that Captain George Harris on his Superfly charter. The reason? His ability and "willingness" to mix it up, change gears for the sake of his guests. Spend a day with him as I did (and more than one bub) and you'll see what I'm talking about. This guy is a "fish magnet", and the only thing he wants to do is put his guests on fish, no matter what the method is, and the best method BY FAR is live lining bait. You go George, YUDABEST!!! Stingray aka Fishing Magician
Hey Ray,
Thanks for all the good we both know...the real "purists" out there don't need to make blah, blah, blah statements about "rather watching paint dry"...the true "purists" are just happy to be fishing...catching a few fish is just the icing on the cake...loving a certain aspect of the sport is one thing....acting like a complete narcissistic jacka$$ while doing it is another thing altogether...You know what I mean? lmao
You've got that right CGH! If you have a quiet resolve about this sport, then a bad day on the water isn't so bad. But the truth is, I've never had a bad day on the Superfly, and never been skunked! And I never looked like somebody in an L.L.Bean catalog fishing the Kenny either! I know one thing for sure, when I disembark the Superfly, my hands don't smell like "wet paint"!!! Sniff Sniff...
Were equal opportunity fisherman...however I'd rather watch mack scales dry than watch paint dry any day...
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