Today I had Curran & Tom Lemp aboard for some Striper fishing and instruction...The Lemp family has had a summer place on the Kennebec watershed for many generations but have had very little success with striped bass fishing which is what led them to me...I had no doubt that I could help them conquer their Unicorn!! After deciding to alter my gameplan to fish inside the river due to choppy sea conditions at my oceanside hotspots, We met at the dock in the early morning before sunrise and cruised down river to a set of shallow flats that have been loaded with nice sized but hard to feed stripers...It was evident the stripers were present by their swirls and wakes...we worked a few of the flats and spooked a number of chunky stripers before we got an explosive strike in a little more than a foot of watter and Curran did a masterful Job of playing his fish straight into the net after a short but powerful fight...The curse of the Kennebec stripers has been lifted for the Lemp family and I expect to see their success rates soar just as I have seen with many other Kennebec'rs who've fished with me over the years
Our very popular live baiting trips continue to be highly successful and offer plenty of excitement and a good shot of adrenaline when a big striper ferociously smashes a live mackerel and burns rubber away from the boat!!! Some of our other trip options have had mixed success rates. Fly fishing on the flats have had some good opportunities for sight casting to fish but the Stripers are well fed and so skittish from all the guys out there pounding the snot out the water that they'll seldom eat a fly this time of extremely challenging sport that is very rewarding when you get a fish to eat..such is life for the fly guys...September will be a different story!!! ...
Maine Striper fishing with TIDE ChaserGUIDE SERVICE and Capt. George Harris, midcoast Maine's premier Fly & light tackle saltwater guide service. Serving the waters of Midcoast Maine from Casco Bay to Penobscot Bay Fishing for Striped Bass, Bluefish, Bluefin Tuna, & More. For more info on Maine saltwater fly & light tackle fishing
For Reservations Call The Maine Saltwater Fishing Hotline 207-691-0745

Maine Saltwater Fishing Reports Blog
Welcome to the Fish Blog & saltwater fishing reports page of TIDE CHASER GUIDE SERVICE & Capt. George Harris. We're looking forward to providing you with the most up to date inshore saltwater fishing reports on the Maine coast as the Maine Striper Fishing season goes forward into 2019!!! You wont find any generic"cut & paste" reports or info here...Just pure fishing!!!
TIDE CHASER provides friendly, professional guided fly & light tackle fishing trips.
We operate our fishing TRIPS in the Mid-Coast region of Maine, from Casco Bay to Penobscot Bay. This area features an astonishing 1000 miles of jagged, pristine coastline. We focus our efforts on the broad reach of the lower Kennebec river estuary & the outer boundaries of Casco Bay...with its countless thousands of acres of untouched saltwater flats, gnarly tides that rip over rocky structure and an intricate maze of backcountry channels, It's a fly & light tackle fishermans nirvana. On any given day we can be found fishing sandy beaches, ocean front ledges, coastal tide marshes or shallow hard bottom flats. Wherever the fish are!!! Whether it's on the fly...pitching plugs or live lining frisky live baits we've got you covered check out our website for all of our trip offerings...and stay tuned for some new trips options for 2019
Welcome to Maine's #1 Striper Fishing Blog with Capt. George Harris Call 207-691-0745
- Capt. George Harris
- Tide Chaser Guide Service Midcoast Maine's premier fly & light tackle guide service, fishing for Striped Bass, Mackerel & Bluefish , i~ USCG 100 Ton Master ~ Registered Maine Tidewater Guide ~ For reservations call 207-691-0745 ~
Good job captain. The Lemps join the long list of Kennebecers who will have more success due to Super Fly.
It is really a great job captain. Keep it up. Can I be part of the time. LOL ! Just kidding.
abrolhos fishing charters
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